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Branding Suite


Our client did not have consistent branding or messaging which created confusion amongst their stakeholders.


Team b. developed a branding suite, style guide, and maintains up-to-date messaging points for them to promote clear and consistent awareness and communication around their mission, products, and services.

Screenshots of NNSA OCIO Style Guide

Style Guide

Our team has created a style guide for our clients at the NNSA OCIO that includes guidance on colors, writing styles, typography, photography, etc for their staff. This helps the client's program office create documents and products that are visually identifiable among other offices within the organization.

Screenshots of the NNSA OCIO Presentation Templates

PowerPoint Templates

Our team has developed Microsoft Powerpoint templates to keep NNSA OCIO presentations on brand
and consistent.

Screenshots of the NNSA OCIO Document Templates

Document Templates

Our team has developed Microsoft Word templates to keep NNSA OCIO documents on brand and consistent.

The use of the NNSA logo does not suggest or imply endorsement by the NNSA or the Federal Government.

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